There are dozens of bitcoin mixers claiming to provide you anonymity, but the sad thing is most of them are just snake oil salesman.
They charge high fees but do not work and can easily be de-anonymized.
It is very common that you send a transaction to a mixer and the mixer just sends you a transaction back a few hours later minus his fee.
Think about it, how could anyone think this is working?
Chain analytics software will easily spot which output belongs to which input because of the amounts. And no, random fees do not help, still too easy to spot with the right software.
Then there are some coinjoin wallets like wasabi or samurai, but if you are reading a lot about them, you see they find flaw in their competitors projects every few weeks.
So it is far from ready for mainstream use and right now there are many problems unsolved which will easily link your transactions together.
The only real method left these days is using a good anonymous bitcoin wallet on the dark web.
We show a few examples of good working dark web mixers on the main page